custom design details
When Stephen asked me to run up a four piece, (a quadriptych – thank you Google!) of Tempus Fugit Memento Mori I jumped at the chance! Each skull would have its own mini theme as part of the whole:
Tempus (Time)
Fugit (Flies)
Memento (Remember)
Mori (Death)
Tempus was pretty easy, we decided on a florally steampunky vibe.
Flies. I’m thinking, “Ooo, vintage fly fishing flies, that’d look cool!” However, Stephen came back with, “No way, I want flies, the buzzy ones!” So the buzzy ones he got, and my Pinterest feed was bombarded with fly images for a month afterwards!
Remember. Hmm, I have to admit, I thought I’d be scratching my head over this one but again, Stephen knew exactly what he wanted – ‘Let’s have him remembering himself as a cute wee baby deer.’ Bit dark, but it works!
Death. Easy peasy, a plain skull with some gold detailing.
In a second edition of this set, pictured last, another customer opted for Lest We Forget and The Grim Reaper – both of which also worked brilliantly!
If you are interested in challenging me by commissioning a bespoke piece, with or without flies, then please do not hesitate to contact me below!
You could also check out my instagram page for some more inspiration as only a selection are on the website