custom design details
Antlers with Duke of Wellington’s cap badge.
Owing to its links with the Duke of Wellington, the title ‘The Duke of Wellington’s Regiment’ was granted to the 33rd Regiment on 18 June 1853, on the anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo in the year following Wellington’s death.
The Cap Badge of the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment was the crest and motto of the Wellesley Family;  A Lion Rampant within a crown, carrying a Banner Unfurled, below which is a crest bearing the words ‘Virtutis Fortuna Comes’ – which correctly translates as ‘Fortune is the companion of Valour’.
You can find other military commissions here, or why not check out my instagram page for some inspiration (if you need it!)
Please do not hesitate to contact me below to commission your own cap badge!
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